

hi gang

i've been exchanging thoughts with a relative newbie sibling
about the nitty gritty details of a webring
and thought it might help others
if i share them

comments are certainly welcome
i'm just trying to keep pace with the fast flying finch!

i just remembered
our 'list mom' barb patterson is away this week...
she told us to look after ourselves...


>is it possible to interconnect this WebRing with the world?
>or at least get mentioned on their Links Pages?...

the real world meaning who?
i'm thinking of a newbie parkie or cg
jumping 'green' into the web
and going to a search site like yahoo
and doing a search for parkinson's

they'll come up with a lot of 'hits' or matches
and if even just one of them happens to be on the wpwp

i don't think general medical sites are that critical for wpwp
i think it's important for us as a cyber family
to get as many of us as possible
and get the thing to grow...
and then...

[rome wasn't built in a day, you know...]

...we probably would have the "biggies"
knocking on our door asking to be allowed in!

i think one way to generate and maintain interest among listmembers
is for maybe jerry to periodically update the list
as to the numbers of siblings on the webring
- hey - that means he'd be ringmaster!

>if we just connect with ourselves
>we will just spin in a circle

but here's the thing:
any one of the potential links
already has connections or references to it
so we are not plugging into just one site at a time
we are plugging into part of an existing network each time

janet paterson
51/10 - sinemet/selegiline/prozac
almonte/ontario/canada - [log in to unmask]