

Well folks,  I have to admit that it's been one hell of a week.  Actually
it's been one hell of a life but out of deference to those who think there
is to much of everything on the list I'll confine myself to just the events
of the last 7 days.

To start with, I made a major error of judgement.  I bought a new computer
the day before the whole country closed down for 3 days for ANZAC day (you
know - ANZAC day - Australia, New Zealand, Gallipolli and all that - you
don't - - - oh). ANZAC day usually only lasts 1 day but this year it
.......... but that's another story.  Anyway, as I was saying here I am with
a new computer, cables everywhere, and plan of how to get 2 computers, 2
printers, a modem, and a scanner to work together in the happy harmony that
the man in the shop assured me was but a boot-up away, when suddenly I find
that 1/2 my cables won't reach the minitower especially chosen to give me
more deskspace. "No problem" says I, "I shall just go down to the store and
get some longer ones" - oh dear - the store is closed for the long week-end.
AAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH" says I. "AAAAAAGGGGGHHH" says my wife "What about my
assignment due on Tuesday"  The week-end blurs. Suffice to say that
necessity is the mother of invention.

Well as someone once said "This too will pass" and the opening of the shops
found me bright eyed and bushy tailed and through the doors almost before
the staff.  Happiness is having so many cables you can say "I don't need
this one".  Now all that stood between me and perfection was this silly
habit I have of going "off" just as I approach a parallel port.
Perserverence - thy name is Parkie!

So, eventually, there I am, all cabled up. In fact you could almost say
"back in control" - if it wasn't for the client on the help desk I run who
has crashed her system, and if it wasn't for the small matter of having my
meds schedule upset by having to stay "off" for my 12 mnth post pallidotomy
brain scan, and if it wasn't for the fact that the only application I'm
having trouble transfering is my HTML editor, which is a worry because next
week I'm going to need it to work on a website I have agreed to do.  Not to
mention finally being able to complete my webring application and by so
doing get Jerry to see me in a more positive light.

Then I'm going to take a day or two to re-acquaint myself with that funny
blue, green, people filled thing which for better or worse I am still very
much a part of. And maybe while I'm there I'll do some fine tuning of my
sense of proportion. Anyone who cares to join me is welcome.


Dennis Greene  48/11
[log in to unmask]

>Out of 1,600 people, all whom have internet access and thus
>have access to free web pages, only three website owners
>think this is important? I don't believe that. I can't
>believe that 1,597 people don't have a story, that 1,597
>assorted PWP and caregivers can go "Hummm, interesting,"
>CLICK, DELETE and walk away.

>A person who worked very hard on the Udall situation told me
>about this apathy. I didn't believe her then. I don't
>believe it now. In the middle of all the pains and pills we
>face everyday, we can all find a little time to work for a
>possible cure - not for our grandson, not for the next
>generation, but for US. I don't believe we are all ready to
>fold our tents and go home, to admit defeat half way through
>the battle. Every day there are news stories about new
>drugs, amazing results in experiments concerning PD. We see
>them on the news, we read it here on the list. We are so
>damn close, my friends. The cure is just right there - and
>all we have to do is travel from here to there. We have
>never been closer.
>We've lost a lot of good people. Alan was someone I will
>never forget. There are two others who are very close to me,
>two that I met here on the list and back in the Prodigy and
>AOL days before there was a list, who will probably not last
>out the year. PD won't kill them, it never kills. But PD
>related problems will take them away. I would hate to see
>them die a week before a cure is announced.
>So I'm asking you to fight for them, for me, for yourself.
>I'm asking you to take me up on my offer to set up your
>webpage so you can tell your story. Swamp me in request,
>I'll get the others involved. Together we can do this. A
>thousand webpages. A thousand stories. A thousand people
>saying, "I'm sick of this and I demand a cure! I'm sick of
>Congress spending millions on moving sidewalks in Altuna
>when our lives can be changed by those millions, so we can
>get up and run again, so we can make love and go on long
>walks and see our grandkids grow up, so we can have normal
>lives. All it takes is Congress finally funding the research
>that could give us a cure for Parkinson's."
>Are you going to do it? Or will you hit "Delete" and wander
>in to see what's on TV?
>Maybe telling your story won't make any difference. But
>maybe it will. Maybe someone a year from now will look at
>your website, go "Humm, interesting," and move on to play
>interactive bingo. But maybe someone will stop because your
>story touched something inside them, maybe that single
>person will be the one who will make PD a footnote in the
>history books.
>But maybe not. I guess we will never know unless you are
>willing to tell your story. Are you willing to take that
>Someone has already questioned what I have to gain out of
>all this. Caught me cold, put the barrel of the gun right
>there on my forehead and made me tell the truth. Okay, I
>admit it. As ashamed as I am to tell you this, I'd like to
>see my three grandchild grow up. I'd like to teach them to
>love horses as much as I do. I'd like to go on long walks
>with my wife. I'd like to throw all my pills in the trash
>and wake up in the morning feeling wonderful. Pure
>You don't know me and I don't know you, either. But we have
>something in common, you and I, something neither of us
>want. Let's work together to get rid of our problem. Maybe
>we won't succeed - but at least we tried.
>Jerry Finch
>The Official PWP Dumpster Gang Hideout