

Hello to everyone....
It's been awhile since I've written but I hope some of you will remember me-I
am Lisa Carper, wife of Jeff Carper (47/9).

Last night Dr Iacono spoke to the Holistic Movers and Shakers at Westminster
Presbyterian Church.

Dr. Iacono was absolutely dynamic. Rolling up his shirt sleeves, he proceeded
to give a detailed, inspiring presentation on his treatment of PD. Dr. Iacono
spoke to the group for better than an hour taking as many questions as he
could and returning  DIRECT answers. He never equivicated, rattling off one
drug was good, one was a waste, etc. He looked at Jeff and instantly said
'...your left side is your worst, isn't it?'  Looked at another woman and said
''re undermedicated'. He warned '...if you're not blinking 20-30 times
an hour, you're over medicated'. All of this is second nature to Dr. Iacono
and those of you familiar with his manner but he had the rest of our heads
spinning with how 'on target' he was in every case.

My personal favorite was how Dr. Iacono repeated said ' are your own
doctor'.  AMEN!!!! That's always been and will always be my 'mantra' for PWP
and others alike. Doctors are great on the whole but they do not have all the
answers (personal opinon here). Good health is a result of tending to your
body, your mind and your spirit. 'Good medical treatment' likely will include
traditional medicine  ALONG WITH appropriate alternatives i.e. vitamins,
supplements, etc. Exercise and proper nutrition rounds out the 'physical'
aspect. I'm sorry, I don't mean to pontificate here but it was SO refreshing
to hear a medical doctor tell me that!!!! Amazing!

Dr. Iacono had to catch another flight right after his presentation so he
couldn't join us for dinner (and we missed Don and Karen Berns who dashed the
good doctor to the airport). Forty-five or so enjoyed a wonderful dinner
prepared by our Deacons. The fellowship was wonderful and everyone was so
buoyant from Dr. Iacono's words.

Jeff will issue the 'thank you's' personally but I'd like to say thank you to
Don and Karen Berns and Margie Nestler who were so vital in the success of our
evening. And the best reward of all came when a woman whom I did not know said
those magical words as she left, '....for the first time in 10 years I have
hope-thank you'.

The Holistic Movers and Shakers will continue meeting next Wednesday for
purposes of addressing the needs of the body with exercise and/or massage
therapy, the needs of the mind with stimulating conversation/discussion of
related issues and the needs of the spirit with prayer. Anyone in the
Pittsburgh area is welcome to join us - email (me) here or privately for
Regards to all,
Lisa Carper
(for Jeff, 47/9)