

The status of the PWP WebRing as of 4/30/98: 4 sites.

I've probably received 30 letters today from folks who want
me to do a website for them. I wanted 300, but 30 will do.
There is a lot of willingness to get the stories out, but a
lot of questions about how to do it. So here's what I did: I
placed, on one page, absolutely everything you need to know
about web site design, HTML code, servers, the internet
traffic flow patterns, storage, images - everything!

Just by reading this one page, each of you will know all you
need to know to place your site on the web. I promise. Bubba
(the name was changed for right now) has his finished
already. Are you ready?

Jerry Finch
The Official PWP Dumpster Gang Hideout