

It is taking for granted that is the lack of dopamine in our brain that
leads to the symptons of  PD.

If this were true it is hard to understand how Pallidotomy or DBS(Deep
Brain Stimulation) and other surgical methods can relieve the PD
patients from their symptoms since through these methods do not cause a
general increase in the production of dopamine in the brain.

I am guided to the suspect that the cause may have similiraties as what
happens with the hearth when it has his main arterie partially BLOCKADE
and this leads to those symptoms known to people that have these
hearth's problems.Like as in the case of PD drugs and surgical
procedures may help in giving relief to the symptoms.

In both cases the surgical procedures try to eliminate the blockade
while the drugs try to find ways to make easier or force the passage of
the flux (of transmiters or of blood) through it.

In both cases the (surgical)elimination of the blockade in a given point
it is not a guarantee that it will not happens again in the future in
another point depending of each particular case that each patient

   +----| Joao Paulo de Carvalho   |------ +
   |         [log in to unmask]     |
   +--------| Salvador-Bahia-Brazil |------+