

On Sun, 26 Apr 1998, Janet313 wrote:

> [hanging on to] anger
> is like burning down the house
> to catch the mouse
>      [paraphrased] lao tse

This sounds like anger is a bad thing? OK, hanging on to it forever is
destructive, but *my* problem has always been that I've been too compliant!
I've always let people run me over, and finally I have been standing
there feeling like "nobody listens"...

Anger doesn't have to mean yelling and striking people! It can also be
that intense feeling of "what they are doing to me is wrong! I will not
let them do it to me!".
For me, it is the driving force that gives me energy to stand up and
fight when others ignore me and my value (as well as the value of others).

Am I making sense? Did you mean it differently?

Take care!