

Dear Sonia,

Thank you for your email.  I am currently trying to establish a PD center
here in Seattle, Washington.  I have talked to and visited some of the
clinics that specialize in PD and movement disorders here in the United
States to try and use all the best ideas for the clinic in Seattle.  The
approach that we will take for the clinic is a team approach towards the
treatment and care of those with PD and their caregivers.

I am curious if Copenhagen has a clinic specific to PD or movement disorders
or is all treatment performed at a local hospital.  I will know better my
travel plans next week and will surely keep you informed.

I thank you for your help and introductions and look forward to hearing rom

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Parkinson's Information Exchange
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Sonia Nielsen
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 1998 5:19 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject: Sv: Copenhagen clinic

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Bill Bell <[log in to unmask]>
Til: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Dato: 5. maj 1998 01:42
Emne: Copenhagen clinic

>Due to our diversified list  I thought I would throw this question to the
>group.  I will be travelling to  Copenhagen at the end of this month for 3
>to 4 days.  I thought that there would be time and opportunity to contact
>any local clinics in Copenhagen and tour and observe the care and treatment
>that is provided.  Does anyone happen to know whether Copenhagen has PD
>resources or a movement disorder clinic?
>Thanks in advance and best regards
>Bill Bell
************Hello Bill,
I`m Sonia Nielsen from Aarhus - Denmark.
If you are interested to meet some of my pwp friends in Copenhagen please
e-mail me, and I`ll contact my friends in Copenhagen tomorrow. Two of them
are nurses - one retired and the other still working at a hopital in
Copenhagen. Both are able to help you just like Danish Parkinson Association
in Copenhagen.
I´m happy to be able to help you.
Best greetings
Sonia N