

        I was wondering if you could please direct me or actually post any
published medical research journal articles written by Dr. Iacono that
support your e-mail sent to the list titled "Not All Pallidotomies Are
Created Equal".  I'm am interested in reading more about the statistics and
facts that you presented. Please let me know.


        Claudia Perdices

> First let me thank you for responding to my post NOT ALL PALLIDOTOMIES ARE
> CREATED EQUAL.  It was designed to spark some discussion.
> Believe me I am pleased to hear Gordon has had as good a result as he has
> had.  Do I recall correctly did he have a unilateral pallidotomy in
> Portland with Dr. Burchiel?
> You wrote I do not understand how a surgeon can do two things at once.
> To have a bi- lateral pallidotomy simply means that they do both sides of
> the brain.  Not unlike having two wisdom teeth extracted.
> Faith in your surgeon is of the utmost importance.  In fact this is the
> very point I was making in posting NOT ALL PALLIDOTOMIES ARE CREATED
>  We need to put pressure on our surgeons to be the best they can be and
> not
> just accept whatever they have to offer us be it an 8 hour surgery
> Dr. Iacono has been doing this surgery for over five years.  Unlike other
> neurosurgeons who do one or two a week.  He does 6-8 a week.  One side
> takes around 1 1/2 hours.  So if you do your math it is not hard to see
> why
> Dr. Iacono has done so many more pallidotomies than the other surgeons.
> My plea is that we have to call our surgeons to a higher standard of
> excellence.  If we aren't going to do this, Who is?  I think that when we
> talk about having a pallidotomy we need to in the same breath say who the
> surgeon was, and where the surgery took place because if all of us who
> have
> had pallidotomies could get together in one room we would see that NOT ALL
> Thanks for opening up a discussion on this critical issue.
> Pallidotomingly yours,
> Don Berns
> Don Berns D. Min
> 110 Delano Dr.
> Pittsburgh, PA 15236
> 412-650-6812
> <[log in to unmask]>
>   check out pallidotomy website at