

There seems to be a strong need here for a calendar of
events that all of us can access. All the meetings, marches,
dates for Congressional activity, PD day activites, etc.,
can be placed on this calendar, which will be more effective
than seeing a date on the list, then  forgetting to mark it
down somewhere.

I will place a Parkinson's Calendar of events on the
Dumpster Gang's site IF someone will take over the posting,
updating, etc. All that would be involved is watching for
announcements here on the list and placing them on the
calendar and/or having folks write to you personally to
add/remove items. No code experience needed. If you can
write a letter to the list, you are qualified.

One person...maybe 30 minutes a day. And hands? Anybody?

Jerry Finch
The Official PWP Dumpster Gang Hideout