

Most churches now pay a fee to be able to copy out of hymnals.  I do not
know how often the fee is paid or how much it is. $200-300 sticks in my
mind. Any time a hymn is printed in our bulletin, there is a notice of
the copyright permission.  We do tape the service and had never heard of
that problem!!
The worst case of this going to far I have ever heard was someone trying
to sue the Girl Scouts for singing their songs at camp without
permission!! Does this mean when we 'sing around the campfire' someone is
lurking in the trees?
BTW for those who remember me asking about some dizzy, numb, sweating
spells my dad had, he is carrying a heart monitor with him to record his
heart next time this happens. He has had a total of 3 episodes since
early March, 2 in church. Dad thought maybe he should ask the minister to
meet him at church and practice his sermon so he could get this over
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