

Camilla, m'dear.... You sure wouldn't want your "druthers"
to be essential tremors if you could see the anguish my 34
year old friend Brian goes thru in his daily life 'cause of having ET.

Brian's had this miserable "Parkinson's Stepchild" of a
disease since he was TWELVE YEARS OLD, and
inherited it from the female side of his family.

Just picture almost EVERYTHING one hates about PD,
minus the stiffness, and that CAN be ET.  Just about any
PD symptom can and often does happen throughout the
day of an person with ET, and PD drugs do NOT work at
ALL for many persons with ET.

Brian's life is hampered by not being able to work in
a public setting (because his ET symptoms go crazy
when he's under the least bit stress or  stimulation.
His wife eventually left him because she couldn't stand
the stress of living the rest of her life with a husband in
his declining physical condition... no matter HOW nice
he is (and Brian's a sweetie of a fella).  Plus, he's lived
in fear of others finding out his "thing" has a name, and
thinking him "un-normal," 'cause he was raised by scared,
yet loving and concerned parents who thought hiding it
was the only was he could lead a normal life and be
accepted by his peers.

NO chronic disease is preferable over another, my friends...
ESPECIALLY if YOU'RE the one who HAS the disease...
Whatever the disease is called, "life" with a chronic disease

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Camilla H.Flintermann
Sent:   Thursday, April 30, 1998 3:27 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Essential Tremor vs. PD

Since there was a recent question about essential tremor, and it is often
confused with PD, I think this brief quote from  our local hospital's
Health News may be of interest:

" Essential tremor (ET) is an involuntary trembling of unknown brain origin
of the hands, head, face, or voice, especially during routine voluntary
body movements" ( PD is chararcterized by a *resting* tremor, of course.)
"The condition may become more pronounced over time and may be aggravated
by stress or stimulants such as caffeine. Essential, meaning of unknown
cause, tremor affects as many as 5 million Americans, most of them age 60
or older....and consists of only one symptom--the tremors themselves.
a person to feel embarrassed or make certain activities difficult, they are
not a sign of a more serious physical or mental illness...For many people,
ET is a mild irritation, and requires no treatment--avoidance of stressful
situations or stimulanmts may be all that is necessary. However, if tremors
interfere with your lifestyle, sometimes they can be successfully treated
with prescription medicines or surgery."

(I guess, if "given our druthers" we'd choose ET over PD in a minute!

  Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 79/8
  Oxford, OH
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