

Dear barb M--of course I'm NOT surprised at your concern and your efforts
to ekiminate the knowledge gap in the PD community. Even in our small
support group, only one or 2 others do email and use compouters, so as to
join the lists, etc.  A few ideas you might try--depencing on their
suitability to your location:
Do local radio stations have a "community calendar" where meetinga are
announced? (ours does)  Does the local cable channel run announcements free
on a community bulletin board? (ours does)  Have you put fliers at local
senior centers, docs offices etc?  How about one of your inimitably written
lettgers to the editor(s) of papers, highlighting some piece of pd "news",
research etc., that might get attention?  It's obviously impossible to
reach everyone, but some of those things might help--and here's a hug to
thank you for your efforts!

>I'm at a loss on how to reach these individual and let them know there's a
>support group available for them.  The hospital maintains no past records of
>patients having PD, so I'm starting from scratch in building a membership and
>a mailing list.
>I've made flyers and put them in two local libraries, regularly announce about
>the new PD group at my original support group meetings (meetings which I
>wouldn't miss for all the tea in China).  Ads have been placed in local
>I feel, however, that I'm probably overlooking other ways to let these
>individuals know we're here for 'em and call upon YOU to share your
>suggestions and ideas with me as to how to spread the word.
>Thanks People!
>Barb Mallut
>[log in to unmask]

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                        This is for YOU!!

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        From Camilla                    [log in to unmask]

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