

Kathy, and "All".....

I've been receiving SO many terrific suggestions... really valuable ones... on
how to get the word out about a new PD support group.  Most can be easily
implemented, too - a must when there's limited "on" time each day to follow up
and get things done.

After some thought, I can see the value in getting one or two volunteers to
initiate and maintain contacts within the greater community (I live in Los
Angeles, and this is one HUGE city!) on a regular basis.

The hospital that's sponoring the support group DOES have their own ad agency
that apparently IS contacting local newspapers to add our group to their
"Daily Adgenda" sections, but when I called 'em to see WHICH newspapers
they're notifying, they didn't want to tell me because they saw me as some
kind of competition for their job!  I had to do some fast verbal tap dancing
around 'em to let them know I wasn't looking to put them out of business -
just didn't wanna be redundant in getting the word out about the new group.
It'd be nice if the ad agency's full resources were available to me, but it's
not, so I'm forced to be creative and that's where YOU all have come in,

Thanks a lot to EACH of you who've come thru when I posted asking for your
suggestions - ya are SUCH a supportive and original group!!!

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Kathy Kunz
Sent:   Wednesday, May 06, 1998 9:04 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Getttin' PWPs into the PD Community

Barb Mallut--

We're a much smaller community than yours--<100,000---but when we started
our support group we used several avenues you might explore.

1. Contact the neurologists in your area and see if they keep a list of
support groups you can be added to, or are willing to have you put some
fliers or a notice up in their waiting rooms.

2. Put a notice/flier on the bulletin board of the local YMCA and YMHA;
local supermarkets and drugstores, especially, that have bb's are another
target for fliers.

3. We have a senior center and not only put a notice up there but talked to
the director so that she could help steer newbies our way.

4. Each founding member and succeeding member was urged to mention the
group; whenever they heard of a prospect:   "PD?   Oh, yes, Uncle Charlie
has that."  "Does he?  Tell him that there's a new support group in town
and we'd love to have him come--tell him  to call me for info or if you
don't think he'd come alone, bring him to our next meeting."  Our director,
a fellow PD veteran of 10 years, is not shy; he goes up to strangers in the
supermarket that he's sure have PD, introduces himself and invites them to
the next meeting.   My friends, who know of my connection, steer people to
me when they meet someone newly diagnosed or new to town.  We've gotten
lots this way.

Good luck in recruiting!

Kathy Kunz

5.  I'm sure you've tapped into the community calendars in the local
papers; we also make sure our mtgs are listed in the different neuro
newsletters put out by OKC's Mercy Hospital, OUMC, etc.