

Hello to all!

I've lurked for some time, but you good people have pricked my conscience!  I
realize the need PWP have is so great that none of us can not want to help in
some small way.  When I see how the doctors tell us so little and people don't
even know about support groups, I see how we must do what we can to educate
them. I feel inadequate myself because I get depressed about the individuality
of the disease. What works for one is some else's snafu!  Also the medicene
works sometimes   and there are times it doesn't!  Do new people know this?
Do new people know how food affects them? My neuro didn't tell me much of
anything nine years ago!  I found most of my knowledge came from support group
and for the last year from this listserv!  I didn't know for sometime that
protein was so detrimental to medication. Boy ,did I learn!

My typing is not too good, but I will try to do more for the group. One thing
that bugs me is the way the news snatches up small hopes and magnifies them
and the general public thinks the  cure is here for tomorrow!  No one realizes
the technicalities  it takes and the red tape in each little bit of research.

Enough ---By the way, where is Ivan?

Ruth Clark 66/9