

Dear Sue-- I'm glad that Rabbi Kushner's book (When Bad Things Happen to
Good People) has been cited--I find it very helpful. My own "take" on God's
role in human affairs is quite like his....that God does not *cause* the
disasters that plague us, and does not pluck one person out of a tornado
while others perish, for example,or set aside the natural laws of the
universe, but is the universal force of Love which we can draw on for the
strength we need in a crisis--and every day.  It bothers me when survivors
say, "Thank God for saving my house!" when their  neighbor's home was
destroyed and their family wiped out.  I don't believe God works in that
Quixotic way, or punishes people with disease or devastation. In each human
story there are reasons why we choose a particular path,relationship,etc
and while we may not be aware of them, they drive us on the road we take.
Perhaps a way to pray is to seek the wisdom and strength to act in the
best, most helpful way for someone in need, even if we don't understand
*why* they suffer as they do. Is this any help in your pondering of this
eternal question?

Sue wrote:

>I'm having a real problem trying to figure out how much of a hand God actually
>plays in our lives, and if He is not to blame for terrible things happening,
>then why should I be thanking Him for blessings, and praying to Him for help?
>Sue, daughter of Rocky 76/18

  Camilla          [log in to unmask]

        Oxford,Ohio  My Home Page

         *"In all beginnings, endings lie enfolded,*
         * implicit and invisible as roots."...CHF *