

I received this comment from a student this weekend:


Just some positive feedback to let you know this is a time saver site.

Here I am on a Friday night doing research for a surprising take-home
final exam.  It was supposed to be  a Physiological Psychology test in
the classroom, when a change of plan came up.
It's dued on Tuesday, which means goodbye to spending the weekend with
my mom (missing Mother's Day) and painful hours without sleep.

Thank God there are people like you with sites that have exacting what
is needed.  Question #8 is :  Explain the physiological and behavior
effects of Xanax, Prozac, Buspar, Halcion and Lithium.  Please include
neuronal receptors and their function with each one.

What I enjoyed the most was the effect listening to "Everlasting love"
(one of many personal favorites) provoked in me when unexpectedly I
heard it on your drug index page.  It fulfilled me in ways that cannot
be described.  It must have touched my limbic system!

I have to go now and continue with my test.  Take care and thanks once

So, evidently we are helping educate and saving Mother's Day for the
mothers of the world...:)))

The Parkinsn's List Drug DataBase is at:

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                Search the Parkinsn List Drug Database on line at:
John Cottingham