

hi jane and dale:

jane wrote:
>I have been hoping that the list would announce upcoming
>meetings and the topics of discussion too.  Do we sit back
>and wait for someone else to start it or do we start by setting
>an example...
>I wish other groups would add their meetings and topics.
>It would mean  one more arm extending to help each other.

look out!
the long reach of this ethereal parkie arm is out to get you!

a week or so ago,
after the [fast flying] jerry finch e-mailed us all thusly:

>Date:    Mon, 4 May 1998 16:41:14 -0500
>From:    Jerry Finch <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Volunteer Needed
>There seems to be a strong need here for a calendar of events that
>all of us can access. All the meetings, marches, dates for
>Congressional activity, PD day activites, etc., can be placed on this
>calendar, which will be more effective than seeing a date on the list,
>then  forgetting to mark it down somewhere.
>I will place a Parkinson's Calendar of events on the Dumpster Gang's
>site IF someone will take over the posting, updating, etc. All that would
>be involved is watching for announcements here on the list and placing
>them on the calendar and/or having folks write to you personally to
>add/remove items. No code experience needed. If you can write a letter
>to the list, you are qualified.
>One person...maybe 30 minutes a day. And hands? Anybody?
>Jerry Finch
>The Official PWP Dumpster Gang Hideout

i volunteered
i have taken on the duties
of Calendar Control Supervisor [CCS]
and have entered all the events that i could find in recent postings

you can access the PWP Calendar on the World Wide Web
in two ways:

1. there is a "hot link" on jerry's web page:
PWP Members Page

2. you can go direct to the calendar website:
People With Parkinson's Calendar

maybe jerry can advise us on whether the PWP Calendar website
can be made part of the WebRing

i have copied this message directly to all those listmembers
whose names i have used as contacts for events in the PWP Calendar

if anyone has any corrections or any new events to be listed
please e-mail me at [log in to unmask]

nothing can hold us [or at least jerry] back!

your cyber-sibling in supervising calendar control


janet paterson
51/10 - sinemet/selegiline/prozac
almonte/ontario/canada - [log in to unmask]