

Dear Writers of Letters to Legislators:

You can find your senator or representative by zip code.  Am late for school
else I would get that www address now.  But for now know the following about
mailing and writing your letter or vice versa.

To a House member (a Representative):

The Honorable (first and last name)
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Ms. or Mr. ________________:

To a Senator:

The Honorable (first and last name)
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator _____________:

Both Houses have their own zip codes.

It is super important that those to whom you write (and they are not going to
compare so you could write the same letter to each) know that you are his/her
constituent and get the picture that you are a voter!  So you MUST provide
YOUR OWN RETURN ADDRESS.  That has to be done or you will have written for

My heart is warmed by those of you who are jumping on this so immediately.

Bless you.

Barb Brock 53 cg Art 56/1 year