

Following are the members of the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees
that will have jurisdiction over funding of the Udall Act.  They are listed in
order of seniority from top to bottom.  They are also divided by party
affiliation.  In terms of determining who will have the most legislative
influence during "mark-up" deliberations, the Chairman and Ranking Member
would be first, next would be the majority party (GOP) members, and then the
minority members (again, in order of seniority).  This is NOT to say that ALL
of the members of these two Subcommittees are not significant.  They are.

Members can be reached at the following addresses:

The Honorable _____________________
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable _____________________
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

The phone # for the U.S. Capitol Switchboard is (202) 224-3121.  There is also
a toll-free legislative hotline # sponsored by the AARP.  That # is
(800)361-5222.  I have also listed each office's fax #'s next to their names.

As always, if you have any further questions, feel free to contact me via
email, or by dialing (888) 331-4673.  I would be happy to answer any questions
you may have.

Bill Turenne, Jr.
NPF/ Washington

House Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services,
Education, and Related Agencies

Fax Numbers


Chairman John Porter                            (202) 225-4835

C.W. Bill Young                                 5-9764

Henry Bonilla                                           5-2237

Ernest Istook                                           6-1463

Dan Miller                                              6-0828

Jay Dickey                                              5-1314

Roger Wicker                                            5-3549

Anne Northrup                                           5-5776


David Obey                                              N/A

Louis Stokes                                            5-1339

Steny Hoyer                                             5-4300

Nancy Pelosi                                            5-8259

Nita Lowey                                              5-0546

Rosa DeLauro                                            5-4890

Senate Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services,
Education, and Related Agencies

Fax Numbers


Arlen Specter                                   (202) 228-1229

Thad Cochran                                            4-9450

Slade Gorton                                            4-9393

Christopher Bond                                        4-8149

Judd Gregg                                              4-4952

Lauch Faircloth                                         4-7406

Larry Craig                                             4-2573

Kay Bailey Hutchison                                    4-0776


Tom Harkin                                              4-9369

Ernest Hollings                                         4-4293

Daniel Inouye                                           4-6747

Dale Bumpers                                            4-6435

Harry Reid                                              4-7327

Herb Kohl                                               4-9787

Patty Murray                                            4-0238