

This "shell" may be tailored to get the word out to our congressmen.  Barb
Udall Shell #8

If we can send a man to the moon, explore the heavens, end the Gulf War before
millions of television viewers, put a zoo in the sky, and create an atom bomb,
surely we can accomplish the goal of creating a healthier America. The worst
that can happen is that we will reduce human suffering and the drain on our
entitlement programs and create some kind of life for our children who will
have none if they are forced to toil endlessly in trying to pay for our lack
of foresight.

I  now want you to envision an America with the possibility of as many as ten
million Parkinson's patients.  Imagine their caregivers as they age. Imagine
their trying to make ends meet and, at the same time, care for their loved
ones. Imagine yourself or someone you love with it.  Imagine what such a
diagnosis would do to your world.  Imagine what your world will be like with
this degree of illness all around you, even if you are fortunate enough to
escape it.  Know that you and no one you know can possibly know that they are
safe from it.

Now, imagine that you, as one of the leaders of the greatest country on Earth,
have the opportunity to help.  Imagine that you can tangibly affect the future
of this country and the world, that you can improve the quality of life for
millions of Americans and bring about effective treatments, prevention, and,
perhaps, even a cure for Parkinson's, which may well hold the key to the other
neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, ALS , and MS, to name just a

Well, you can. YOU!  YOU CAN!  And you MUST! Here's how!  Fully fund the Udall
Act for Parkinson's Disease Research and Education to the approved level of
$100 Million a year.  It is currently "stuck"  in Appropriations.  (If you
cannot see your way to do this, then what business do you have posing as a
leader responsible for our welfare?) You must use all of your powers of
persuasion and influence to accomplish this task.  You have them.  This is why
we elected you!

I must hear from you to learn what you are doing about the issue of our
nation's defense against illness.
