

My father experienced a very similar reaction to Mirapex.
>>Neuro says stop and Jim can not take them any more or any of the drugs
like tihis ie. Requip, >>etc...they will all perform the same.
True...your neuro is being smart about it rather than putting him through an
unfortunate round of trial and error.
>> We talked about using the antipsychotic drugs, but he said one of the
side effects is serious >>possibility of a form of aplastic leukemia.
He is referring to Clozaril, which is generally regarded as the drug of
choice for PWP.  A number of people have had success with Zyprexa
(Olanzapine).  My father is doing well on Seroquel, a newer drug.
 >>He does not seem to have any suggestions other than live on Sinemet which
gives poor Jim >>virtually no "good" time during the day.  He says the
progression of the disease may be the reason.
Has he tried increasing the Sinimet to compensate for the lack of an
agonist?  This is the route that worked for my father.  There is a risk of
confusion and hallucinations from higher levels of Sinimet, but he does have
a decent amount of good time now.
>>Funny how this was working for soooooo long (6 mos) then all of a sudden
one day.....the little >>people arrived.
It could be progression of the disease, but I've wondered for some time
whether it is really some sort of toxic or allergy-like reaction or
over-stimulation of the dopamine receptors from prolonged use of the agonist
drugs that subsides or 'heals up' after the drug was withdrawn.  One doc
told us to forget the agonsists for two or three months, then slowly and
carefully try to re-introduce Permax (and only Permax, as Requip and Mirapex
would be riskier).  I took this as confirmation of my theory, but I'm very
reluctant to try it as we went through a very difficult time getting my
father restabilized.
Any thoughts on this?

Mark Klapper