

Abi Murthy wrote:
> Kathryne's idea of a high carb diet is almost exactly what my Dad eats- he
> is Lacto Vegetarian (eats dairy i.e, milk, yogurt, butter no cheese) and lots
> of vegetables and fruits.  Seems to help with the PD.  When I was Gest Diabetic
> I ate pounds of cheese (I bought these rocks of cheese from Costco and munched
> my way thru them-  The protein really helped then).
> I eat a mostly carb diet- we make sandwiches with potato curry (taste real
> good and all pure carb)  and what we eat a lot of is beans and rice.  You
> can cook up canned navy beans etc and then add some spices and mix them with
> cooked rice and eat them.. You could add sauteed(?) tomatoes and onions-
> anyways a lot of Indian vegetarian food is mostly carb- and you can find
> recipes on the web.. (A lot of them courtesy the students who go over here
> and realize that there is no Mom to fix dinner :-) )
> I got carried away- sorry.  Dad does have hallucinations from the Duodopa
> he takes- and we are going to try the Olanzapine for this soon.  His neuro
> thinks that this could be the magic key to turn them off.. He takes a
> small bit of Tasmar everyday.
> Best of luck,
> abi

Please get carried away a little more--that sounds good.
Nita Andres
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