

Hi Everyone,

A week ago Jane Ross wrote..........
> My husband and I just spent the past three weeks vacationing in the South
> and Western United States and visited two different Parkinson support
> groups  while on our travels.  One in Los Angeles area and the other in
> Colorado Springs, CO.
> What fun!!  They were both so different from each other and different from
> the one here at home. Thank you for sharing and making me feel so at ease.
> I hope all of you  on the list will try this new exercise of visiting and
> sharing. It is well worth your time, whether across town or across State
> lines.
Dale Severance wrote that he also enjoys meeting other support groups
during his travels.

Jane and Dale, I could not agree more!

My wife Brenda and I just spent a week in Anaheim and we attended a
support group meeting in Los Angeles on Sat. May 17th.  The meeting
we attended was Barb Mallut's Tri Valley Group at Encino Hospital.
Like Jane we were welcomed, had a good time, and enjoyed sharing
experiences.  Best of all, of course, we met Barb Mallut in person!
(I was privileged to meet Barb Patterson in Vancouver the week before
we went) A few short years ago I had no idea what Parkinson's was and
certainly had no concept of Support Groups.  Now I am blessed to be a
member of a support group, a member of this list group, and to be
invited to meet other members and other groups is for me a very
positive experience.

Barb had a great meeting planned with handouts and presentations by
PWP's with first hand experience with drug trials, with the new
medications, with collagen injections, with pallidotomy, and even
fetal cell implant.  Lively discussions evolved and other subjects
(like PD & Driving) came out.

If anyone is travelling in the Vancouver, British Columbia area I'm
certain they would be welcomed at any of our many support groups. The
B.C. Parkinson's Disease Association has a support group co-ordinator
(604) 662-3240 and Jacquie knows when and where we all meet.

Of course you have my e-mail address too......

All my best to you all...........Murray 53/4

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