

I have had a weight problem all my life so when I became a PWP I was sure I
would lose weight as it is supposedly one of the symptons.  However, seven
years into the disease, I still had my weight problem!  Then about a year or
so ago, I started losing weight rather quickly.  I was pleased and alarmed
both, since I had NEVER had this problem before.  I lost 40 lbs in the year
and figured it was time that PD had caught me.

I went on Mirapex about four months ago and bingo, my appetite is boundless
especially for sweets and I am slowly gaining weight. But I am fighting it, as
I know if I get to the wheel chair stage, that the thinner I am the better!

Whether this is due to the Mirapex or just the nature of the "beast", I don't

Ruth Clark 67/9