

First of all, I want to tell all of you how encouraged I am with the activity
evidenced recently on the listserve.  Since House "mark-up" is expected to
begin in June, it couldn't come at a better time.  Let's keep the heat on

I have just returned from the Fourth Annual National Conference for NPF Center
of Excellence Coordinators and Parkinson Outreach Program Affiliates held this
year in Las Vegas.  I was invited to attend by the NPF's VERY ABLE National
Director of Patient Services, Susan C. Imke, R.N., M.S.,.  She asked me to
speak briefly to the more than one hundred attendees about our advocacy
efforts to date in seeking funding for the Udall Act, legislative priorities,
and what they could do to help.  Not only was it a great opportunity to meet
some of the most dedicated Parkinson health professionals from the United
States and Canada, but it also gave me the chance to significantly increase
our advocacy network in each of the key constituencies that members of the
House and Senate Labor HHS Appropriations Subcommittees represent in

I drafted up and gave each coordinator from the key districts a copy of a
personalized petition to each of the 29 House and Senate appropriators that we
are targeting.  I have attached a sample of one of them.

The Honorable Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Specter:

Following last year's enactment of the Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Research
Act, authorizing up to $100 million in medical research "focussed" on
Parkinson's disease, Congress, and more specifically, the Labor, Health, Human
Services Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee on which
you serve, has a truly historic opportunity.

You have the opportunity to right years of disproportionately conservative
rate increases that direct Parkinson's research has received from the National
Institutes of Health.  Despite the continuous commitment demonstrated annually
by your subcommittee to increase the TOTAL federal investment in biomedical
research through NIH, meritorious direct Parkinson's research grants continue
to be grossly under-funded.  All of this, despite overwhelming scientific
consensus that Parkinson's holds one of the highest potentials for an historic

We recognize that some of your fellow appropriators have expressed
reservations about disease-specific earmarking.  The irony is, however, that
by providing block grants to avoid political meddling in scientific decisions,
NIH's inter-Institute funding priorities, which are often bureaucratic and
political themselves, continue to overlook promising research (like
Parkinson's) regardless of scientific merit.  That is why it is necessary for
Congress, and you, to intervene.

We, your constituents all, have signed this petition to urge you in your
upcoming deliberations of funding levels for the National Institutes of
Health, to add your strong voice to efforts to ensure a Parkinson's specific
appropriation sufficient to fully fund the Udall Act in your subcommittee's
FY'99 spending measure.

NAME            ADDRESS         CITY    STATE   ZIP

As the petition indicates, they are to be signed by the member's constituents,
and hopefully will be presented personally to each member during congressional
visits planned for the upcoming PAN Forum.  We are hoping for a great
response.  I will try to keep you all up to date on our progress in these key

I would like to thank Susan for inviting me to participate, and for giving US
ALL an incredible opportunity to increase our organizational advocacy network
in these crucial areas, and all over the country.  I think we can all agree
that the more organized we are, the stronger our voice.  I would also like to
thank the NPF/COE and POP Coordinators that were gracious enough to take on
the responsibility of distributing the petitions for signatures.  Without
their help, this targeted effort would not have been possible.

If you have any questions of me about the conference, the petitions, or
anything else for that matter, you can always give me a call in Washington at
1-888-331-4673 or contact me personally over e-mail.

Thanks, and let's keep up the good work!

Bill Turenne, Jr.
NPF/ Washington