

Thanks, Kathrynne... Since I'm getting that 15 mg of zinc in the Centrum
Silver I take daily, I guess I won't experiment with a higher dosage.

SOMEtimes it's ok to be inspired by the "If some is good, more is better"
school of thought, but this ain't one of those times.

Now if you're talkin' CHOCOLATE, well THAT'S a horse of a different color!

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Kathrynne Holden, MS,RD
Sent:   Monday, May 18, 1998 12:09 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Possible Benefit for PWP?

Dear Barb and all,
Zinc deficiency is associated with loss of taste; also, zinc may help
alleviate cold symptoms. Zinc is also necessary to keep the immune
system strong. However, too much zinc can actually weaken the immune
system; and zinc is associated with Alzheimer's disease, although in
what way is not clear. I'm not sure exactly how much actual zinc was in
the 45-mg zinc sulfate tablets (45 mg of zinc, or 45 mg of zinc
sulfate?). In general, though, I don't believe it's recommended to take
supplements of much more than the RDA (15 mg/day) on a prolonged basis.
I recommend to nearly all my clients a supplement such as Centrum
(Centrum Silver if over age 50), which contains the RDA for zinc.
Best regards,

Barbara Mallut wrote:

> In an attempt to confirm this in a controlled setting,
> the group randomly assigned 18 head and neck
> cancer patients to take a placebo (''dummy'' pills)
> or 45 milligrams of oral zinc sulfate three times a
> day at the onset of any taste abnormalities related
> to radiotherapy. The patients took the tablets for up
> to 30 days following treatment.

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Nutrition you can live with!"
Medical nutrition therapy
Tel: 970-493-6532 // Fax: 970-493-6538