

Think when I finish with this I may go into political speech writing as a
second career.  A colleague of mine who is a young mother sent this one.
Perhaps someone you know could send one like it.

Return Address

The Honorable ____________
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator ___________:

I am concerned about the world my children will inherit.  My fears are that
our nation's citizenry will not be healthy enough for America to remain a
world power and that my children will be paying a heavy price for our lack of
planning and inaction.

I want my children to have their piece of the pie!  I want them to be able to
realize the "American Dream."  I want them to know security.  I want them to
know the joys of accomplishment and to be able to enjoy the fruits of their

If by the time they are grown, they are working only to keep the generations
ahead of them afloat and worrying about their own and our national security,
what kind of life will that be for them?  What chance will they have in a
country populated to a large degree by the infirmed and their caregivers?

You have an opportunity to do something about this and you must not squander
the chance.  If the Morris K. Udall Act for Parkinson's Research and Education
were to be fully funded to a level of $100 Million a year, researchers might
be able to solve Parkinson's and other neuro-degenerative diseases as well.

While you are not on the Appropriations Committee, you have an obligation to
let them know of our great need to be proactive.  Please do not let my
children down.
