

Diagnosed 14 years ago age 51- Was on 2 eldypryl  2artane , 1 25\100, 3
50\200, 2 Parlodel and 2 symmetrel(ammantidine) for years.

Last Nov. I went on a low protein diet, took 2 25\100 and 2 parlodel) and
really flipped out on the  one tablet of Requip I took.Also did not  fare well
with mirapex.

Am currently on 3 Tasmar, 1 and 1\2 25\100 and 2 Parlodel.v every 2 hours
while awake. I sleep about 6 to 6.5 hours, about a 25% reduction in the
levadopa and am doing well.

Play golf and tennis, maintain the yard work for my residences side by side
(mother in law in one) which is a little over an acre of lawn and landscaped.
I have two part time jobs, assist my wife in her business, have just started a
support group in Dayton  Ohio which has grown from 3 couples to about 16
people, schedule and train layreaders and chalice bearers at our church,
travel, go to the phiharmonic, amd do some financial planning when the moodm
hits me.  Have a local Neuro, one in Rochester at the Mayo, and another at
Ohio State that I visit with to help stay on top of stuff.
I am starting to do some public speaking re PD and have a couple of
engagements lined up--maybe 15 to 20 minute stints..---Incidently--does anyone
know where I could  borrow some PD overheads or tapes relative to introducing
PD "the secrete disease" Such as
What it is- simple treatments for-----any aids at a remedial level would help.
I have "winged it' in the past but  would like to have a well coordinated
couple of tracks to run on..     -- Whoops--off the track again.

Being 65, medicating for PD for 14 years, and wanting to be active is an
unusual set of cicumstances. As my Rotary buddies say--watch ouy for the