

hi paul

you wrote:
>Dear Parkinson People,
>The imediate situation is this:
>My wife is telling me that I'm history....
>That sahe can't take it any more .
>She's going to put me in a nersing home
>Sell  Stock,  sell the house.

this sounds to me like your wife
is frustrated, angry, scared, maybe even desperate

she says she can't 'take it any more'
what is the 'it'
and how long has she been feeling like she's been 'taking it'?

>What br0ought this on. you're asking?

a situation like this one sounds
doesn't develop overnight - i wonder how long it's been brewing?

>I was  getting thru the night w/o calling out for help,
>[confusion, perceived weakness which I thought
>prevented me from making it to the bathroom  toilet...
>fear of messing up the bed which did not happen....
>a couple of nights of this and she's kicking me out.

this sounds to me like you are in a state of confusion and anxiety
to say the least
but i am impressed that
you are aware of some of the aspects of your confusion

>The worst thing is that I get very  loud and angry
>one time I ran at her sayings that I wanted to "Put a bullet thru her head.

assuming that you don't normally want to shoot your wife,
this sounds like abnormal, maybe paranoid, maybe delusional,
behaviour on your part

>When I'm "On " I am generally the person that she knows is Paul.

and now this sounds like you've become aware of two 'personalities':
the original, normal paul
and a sometime enraged paul
who is also exhibiting confusion and paranoia

>I've started going  "On" and   "off"   one  to 5 X/day.....
>Its getting  to the point where  I can't deal with my life....
>When I'm "On" I'm  slightly manic...
>most of my friends say its a-ok.

you say 'most' of your friends say it's okay -
what do the others say?
does anyone else react to you the way your wife has?

if you are starting to feel 'you can't deal with your life'
there is something very seriously wrong
feelings like these should not be ignored or minimized

>What  I WANT IS A WAY TO get thru the night better....
>Like when I have a prostrate gland like a 20 yr old,
>why do   I have to pea so much?

the 'unproductive' urge to urinate
is a fairly common physical side effect with parkies

however, i think any physical side effects you are having
are the least of your problems

>Why do I feel like I wired....
>a feeling that is hard to describe;
>a;; I can say is   that it is in tollerable at times....
>some times I can make the spasoms go away
>by by certain breathing exercises.

this almost sounds like anxiety attacks
which seems to make sense since your efforts
at relaxation through breathing exercises sometimes helps

>`I take meds 8X/day.
>5:45,  8:00, 10:30,  1:00 pm, 3:15,  5:45pm, and 8:00pm.

aaahhh! now we get to the real problem
[in my humble opinion]

>At these times I  take two, 25/100  carbidopa/levidopa.

in other words
you have been prescribed
8 x 2 x 25 = 400 mgs carbidopa daily
8 x 2 x 100 = 1,600 mgs levodopa daily

how long have you been taking this dosage level?

is the sinemet regular or cr =  controlled release?

since approximately 30% of the cr version
is lost in the body before it has any effect on the brain
this could be an important factor in assessing your med intake levels

i know that pd is different for everyone
but i'm surprised that you are taking that much sinemet after only 8 years

i believe that level of carbidopa
would be generally considered much too high
i understand the recommended daily range is 75-250 mg daily

>At 5:45,  1:00 and 8:00pm I take mirapex   4.5mG./day.

adding this dopamine agonist to a levodopa regimen
is generally supposed to allow reduction of levodopa by about 25%

how long have you been prescribed mirapex?
when you started mirapex, did you start 'titrating up' slowly?
have you been able to reduce your sinemet?

>the neuro I'm using for Rx's doesn't  seem to know what to do.

please note that i am not a medical expert
just a nosey parkie [!]

but i have to state quite strongly here that
'doesn't seem to know what to do'
is a vast understatement
particularly if this is the same neuro
who is responsible for your prescriptions

i have heard about too many parkies
whose physical symptoms are poorly managed
and who fall victim all too frequently to drug induced psychosis

strong words?
yes! because that's the way i feel

>Movemenrt t Problem:
>I have trouble "bending the knee"  when I'm off
>and trying to walk somewhere.
>Bending the knee = lifting the leg when walking.
>I think I can't do it...
>but if I stop and deloiberatly concentrate on my left leg

this isn't unusual
when i'm 'off' i can barely walk
but sometimes i can jog!

being able to adjust our brain chemistry
is a miraculous and terrifying responsibility
at one and the same time

we need to take control of our own pd managment
cause no one else can do it or feel its effects
as well as we can
but we cannot do it alone
our medical team has to be as up to date as humanly possible

if your medico 'doesn't know what to do'
it's time to get a new one

>At this point my wife calles me a demented liar.

there may be other stresses and strains between you two
other than the pd-drug overdose symptoms
which you seem to be exhibiting
but that's one heck of a good place to start

i can send you copies of other messages
i have posted on this subject, if you are interested

please let us know of your progress

your concerned cyber-sibling in chemistry


janet paterson
51/10 - sinemet/selegiline/prozac
almonte/ontario/canada - [log in to unmask]