

I wrote a couple of weeks ago about my husband's life-threatening reaction.
He had an anaphylactic reaction early one morning where his uvula filled
with fluid and blocked his airway through his mouth.  He could not talk or
breathe through his mouth.  He responded to ER treatment and was send home
after a couple of hours.

He had been on Tasmar for eight weeks, four weeks at 100 mg. and four weeks
at 200 mg.  Tasmar seemed to be the best guess for cause.  There was no
other food, drug, etc. that seemed a possibility.

The Roche drug rep is hesitant to call it a Tasmar reaction, but advised the
neurologist against putting Tom back on it.  The only other reaction of this
type was someone with a swollen tongue, but they are unable to get a
response from the doctor involved.  In both cases the swelling was isolated
and did not affect surrounding tissue.  Very strange.  He has now added an
Epi-pen to his collection of meds he carries.

He had been doing very well with Tasmar and, of course, we're disappointed
to lose the use of this drug. To this point he had no adverse reactions and
had better function in the morning before he took his medication than he had
had in a long time.  His "on-off" fluctuations had greatly improved.  Our
neuro said there is another of the same type of drug due out in ten months.
She is trying to see if there is a possibility of an early release for him.
So we are still hopeful.  Meanwhile he has Amantadine added to his Sinemet
CR and Permax.

There seems to be little feedback about Tasmar as yet.  We will watch with
interest further input into the listserve.

Claire for Tom 53/8