

-- [ From: Bob Martone * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --


Nancy has been experiencing similar anxiety and strange "physical"
sensations ssince starting Tasmar. She also can induce dyskinesia with
the Tasmar. She really hasn't experience dyskinesia since her
pallidotomies in 1995.  We have been adjusting Tasmar, mirapex  and
sinemet with out much success. Today we visited the doctor and increased
her dose of clozaril (antipsychotic) and Effexor (antidepressant).

This has been a very troublesome time for both of us. It seems like
quality of life improvements are getting tougher and tougher to succeed
at. But we will not give up trying.

Bob Martone
Nancy 53/23

Q -------- REPLY, Original message follows --------

Date: Tuesday, 19-May-98 02:14 PM

From: Marty Rose               \ Internet:    ([log in to unmask])
To:   Parkinsn List Mail       \ Internet:    ([log in to unmask]

Subject: Tasmar reaction

I had a very strange reaction to Tasmar.  I would wake up in the night
and first thing in the morning with what I would call mild aniexty.  I
had the feeling like I was really nervous or scared of something.  It
was very strange. It kept getting worse and worse.  I was also
experiencing much more severe anxiety then  ever before.  It finally
ended one night when I got so dyskinetic and anxious that I thought I
was going to explode.  I know this all sounds very strange and BELIEVE
ME IT WAS!  ( and very scary as well. Needless to say I stopped the
Tasmar  immediately.  I am curious if anyone else has experienced
anything like that.

Marty Rose
[log in to unmask]

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Bob Martone(Nancy 53/23)