


At the risk of sharing my ignorance, I want to offer my experience (I have no
other credentials in the matter):

I would call this bradyphrenia:
I have always been slow.  However, before I quit work, I noticed that, while
the quality of my work was undiminished, I was taking enormous amounts of time
to achieve good results.

But that is not all:
I began to notice that while I was off, I was also down mentally, with
thoughts and feelings that nothing would go right.  While on, I was able to
visualize great things I felt I could do alone, if necessary.  In short I
became a short cycle (several times a day) manic-depressive.  Others noticed
this but rarely said anything.  With few exceptions (people who I didn't
offend with my brusque manner, often liked my ideas) this process lost me all
of my supporters /helpers.  Most of these had no desire to work as hard as a
given project would require.

What I have been able to do about it:
I depend on the grace of God and the medicines prescribed by my very good,
chemically oriented shrink to keep things under control--cognitive therapy and
Clozaril--a formula that has worked for several years now.  A good
psychiatrist should be a part of every PWP's health care team.

I continue in somewhat undiminished enthusiasm / unguarded pessimism cycles.
However, I have learned to use these cycles to examine both sides of an issue
(an idea filer and couth checker). Somewhat wild ideas that mature overnight
(through a couple of cycles) can resolve into something useful.  More often, I
resort to starting over with the previous ideas as a base. The dead bodies of
many unsent e- postings litter my hard drives.

Interesting (and scary) stuff, no?

WHH 54/18