


Eye-problems with PD can be caused by the muscles that move the eye, if they
are affected by PD. It can e.g. cause double vision.

The eye-problem I want to talk about is the effect of dry eyes on PWP and a
possible solution. Dry eyes can be a symptom of PD. And I have them.
The effects are vague vision, sometimes double vision, burning irritated
eyes, trouble reading, tired fast reading, computering, etc, etc.
Since I haven't read about on the list yet, I thought I should mention the
great releave I got using eye-drops (Methylcellulose 0.5 percent solution).
The expected result was that I got a much clearer view, could read and
compute for longer times, etc.
The surprising extra result was that I became much less tired not only with
reading etc., but also in general!!!!!

In the Netherlands methylcellulose-solution is available in two versions
with different additives. The first one I used irritated my eyes instead of
helping. The second one workes great. So if one doesn't work, try the other.

Since eye-problems of course can have several causes besides the ones
mentioned by me, I advise you to consult your doctor first!!

I hope this will be of some use to someone!

Hans van der Genugten <[log in to unmask]>