

Hello ladies,

I couldn't find the messages you send about gaining weight after pallidotomy
but I could remember they were send by ladies!!!!
When I was in the beginning of my PD-life, in a few months to half a year I
lost 16 kilos (from 83 to 67). After that period I slowly regained weight up
to the normal of 80-83 kilos again. This took about a year and a half.
Since then I have been reasonably stable. My point is, that "suddenly"
appearing or worsening of PD might cause severe weightloss in a short time;
and that perhaps a pallidotomy might have the opposite effect: gaining weight!!

A suggestion that might help: salt-use.
Some people start a diet without salt to loose weight.
A side-effect can be that your bloodpressure drops.
Since PWP sometimes already have low bloodpressure you should take that into
consideration. (And also static hypotension!)
You could try replacing the normal salt (NaCl) by kalium-salt (KCl).
Considering the possible effects mentioned, you of course must first consult
a doctor and a dietitian.
Perhaps our list-dietitian Kathrynne Holden can give you a much more expert
advise and usefull comments than my layman-remarks.

Hope this helps........ Hans.