

WOW!!  Hans.. are you a mind reader?   I've been meaning
to post on the list about having similar eye/vision problems
as you mentioned you're having.

I've tried two different brands of eye drops with one
 - "Clear Eyes" - stinging badly each time I used the
product.  Needless to say that was good incentive to trash
THAT brand!

The other is.... is..... (thinking).... is.....oh RATS!   I can't
recall the product's name and the bottle's upstairs in my
nightstand while I'm downstairs in my wee little office.
Either way, it gave me very little relief.

First thing tomorrow I'll be off to the drug store to see
about the product you've recommended..... THANKS!!

By the way.. chances are the reason you're not so tired
now is that prior to using the eye drops you MAY have
been seeing out of one eye at a time - switching back
and forth between both eyes at an unbelievably rapid rate.

VERY fatiguing according to the optometrist I went to 2
years ago with the symptoms you mentioned.  He added
a "prism" to my glasses lenses and mentioned the fatigue
 might be helped by that addition (it wasn't and nor was
my vision noticeably improved by the prism).

Thanks again...

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Hans van der Genugten
Sent:   Thursday, May 21, 1998 7:25 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Eye-problems


Eye-problems with PD can be caused by the muscles that move the eye, if they
are affected by PD. It can e.g. cause double vision.

The eye-problem I want to talk about is the effect of dry eyes on PWP and a
possible solution. Dry eyes can be a symptom of PD. And I have them.
The effects are vague vision, sometimes double vision, burning irritated
eyes, trouble reading, tired fast reading, computering, etc, etc.
Since I haven't read about on the list yet, I thought I should mention the
great releave I got using eye-drops (Methylcellulose 0.5 percent solution).
The expected result was that I got a much clearer view, could read and
compute for longer times, etc.
The surprising extra result was that I became much less tired not only with
reading etc., but also in general!!!!!

In the Netherlands methylcellulose-solution is available in two versions
with different additives. The first one I used irritated my eyes instead of
helping. The second one workes great. So if one doesn't work, try the other.

Since eye-problems of course can have several causes besides the ones
mentioned by me, I advise you to consult your doctor first!!

I hope this will be of some use to someone!

Hans van der Genugten <[log in to unmask]>