

Gail and Wanda:
I have a hole in my head and I will write about it as soon as I remember
what it was I was supposed to do before it leaked out of the hole in my

Seriously, I am almost finished with my web site.  If I can figure out
how to post it using ftp protocol.  What an experience I've got myself
into.<HTML> <Head> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html;
chatset=iso-8859-1"><Title>Hole in the head gang<title> ....????? well,
you get the picture.  Only I don't!  I can't get those damn images to
imbed.  And those friggin tables.  Java script my ?!%@!  Although I could
use the caffeine to stay awake, it certaily has an effect on my
patience.  Jerry Finch, I have the utmost respect for you.  I don't know
how you do it without putting you fist through the screen.  Actually, I
was hoping to stay on your good side, in case I can't figure how to get
rid of those damn templates on my website.  Well back to the real world
of HYPER TEXT MARKUP [log in to unmask]

Have a nice day,
Greg Leeman

Gail and Wanda wrote:

> Guess what!
> I'm still looking for members of the
>      "Hole in the Head Gang"
> and asking them to write their stories for our
> new Pallidotomy Experiences planned web site.
> (It hasn't been named so suggest a name you'd like)
> Jerry Finch has offered a free web page, free graphics,
> all you have to do is write your experience and if you
> need help editing your story, I'm sure some of the fine
> writers on this list will help you 'clean up your copy'.
> (Volunteers please step up and help a sibling).
> Please write me and let me know if you are:
>    1.willing to tell your story and will get started right away
>    2.willing to tell your story and need help writing it up
>    3.willing but not right now and you'll get back to us when you can
>    4.Not willing to tell anybody anything
> Hugs to you brave souls who share you stories to benefit others,
> Gail Vass  Email [log in to unmask]