

Bom dia Joao:
You asked:
>>> Joao Paulo Carvalho <[log in to unmask]>
05/21/98 04:38pm >>>
>>>I used to take levodopa and eldepryl and notice to appear
minor side effects such as dry mouth , slight blurred vision
and minor miction problem . I quit eldepryl and these
symptoms disappeared . Have you ever
did suspend or done a holiday on eldepryl ?<<<
>>>You take as you had described previously quite a mix of
drugs and supplements.Don't you believe it is very hard to pin
point how each one do interfere with each other in your case
? And which are really doing your improvements ?<<<

1. ELDEPRYL -  My first PD med, seven years ago, was
5mg Eldepryl daily.  This was increased to 5mg twice a day,
later Sinemet CR was added three times a day.  During the
entire time I used Eldepryl as monotherapy I do not recall
any side effects from Eldepryl.  When I added Sinemet CR I
began to experience the adverse effect of vivid dreams and
     Because each PWP lives a singular lifestyle it is difficult
to generalize about side effects/adverse effects of a particular
med on the universe of PWPs.
     Last year I read a study that found the beneficial effects
of Eldepryl (enhancing the effect of dopamine and
neuroprotection) could be attained at 20mg per seven days.  I
then cut my Eldepryl to 5mg daily.  The vivid dreams and
nightmares ceased.  I am considering reducing my weekly
intake of Eldepryl, just as soon as I design a weekly dosage
schedule.  For the past two months I have been
experimenting with a reduction in my daily intake of Sinemet
CR (timing vs. dosage).
2. OTHER DRUGS/SUPPLEMENTS - I have supplemented
my daily food intake with vitamins and supplements since I
was 7 years old.  First my parents gave me daily vitamins.
Later, in my teens, when I developed an interest in sports
and physical fitness, I added supplements to my training
diet.  Over the years I have gained an insight into the
effectiveness and benefits of various vitamins and minerals.
     For instance: Zinc to improve the immune system (Zinc is
important to maintain vitamin E in the blood); Potassium to
maintain muscles and water balance in the cells; vitamin C
aids in the production of red blood cells and fights infection;
vitamin E promotes efficient use of oxygen by muscles; B
vitamins (B-1, B-2, B-3, B-6 & B-12) help to maintain the
nervous system, metabolism, energy, improve blood
circulation.  I believe all the above benefits are
     As I got older and became aware of the toxic effects of
the environment, I increased my daily intake of vitamins and
minerals to obtain the beneficial antioxidant effects attributed
to various vitamins and minerals.  These included, Selenium,
Beta Carotene, Choline, and Folic Acid.  Food supplements
included Garlic & Ginseng.  Lecithin replaced Choline and
Wheat germ was tried and rejected because of an allergic
reaction.  Over the years I have started and stopped some
vitamins, minerals and supplements because of adverse
effects: royal jelly, calcium, B-12.
     So, when I started experiencing PD symptoms I had
years of personal experience to consult concerning how
vitamins, minerals and food supplements affect my daily
health.  Generally, I avoid taking too many vitamins, minerals
or supplements at any one meal.  I spread out my doses
over a 12 hour period.  I postpone much of my protein intake
to the late afternoon and evening.  Some vitamins, etc. I take
less than daily. I try to take synergistic (work in combination)
vitamins, etc. together (C & E, B-6 & Potassium) and avoid
taking vitamins, etc. with other substances that block their
effectiveness (antibiotics, caffeine, aspirin, iron & vitamin E
     As a result I believe I am sensitive to changes in my
body.  I monitor my intake of vitamins, etc. and any
physiologic changes carefully.
     Stephan 53/7