

Hi listfriends,

My experiences with Tasmar are variable. The use of medication is visible
in the two tables below.

| time period    |  sin.  | sin. | Permax |          |        |
                 |  125CR | 62.5 |  1.0   | Eldepryl | Tasmar |
till march 5 '98 |   7.30 | 7.30 |  7.30  |          |        |
                 |  10.00 |      | 10.00  |          |        |
                 |  12.30 |      |        |          |        |
                 |  15.00 |      | 15.00  |          |        |
                 |  17.30 |17.30 |        |          |        |
                 |  19.30 |      | 19.30  |          |        |
                 |  22.00 |      | 22.00  |          |        |
from march  '98  |   7.30 | 7.30 |  7.30  |          |   7.30 |
                 |  11.30 |      | 11.30  |          |  11.30 |
                 |  16.30 |      | 16.30  |          |  16.30 |
                 |  22.00 |      | 22.00  |          |        |

I reduced my sinemet with 40 % and I have been using 3 sinemets a day. I
use Tasmar now for 11 weeks.

Besides the reduce of my sinemet and permax, I feel much better. Less  off
and less severe. I still have some dyskenesia. I started taking Eldepryl
again. I'm now without Eldepryl, trying to find out if the combination with
ELdepryl is the cause of the dyskenesia. It looks a lot like it.

Kees Paap