

Add me to the speaker list , if you will.  PWP are being hospitalized due to
conditions related to inadequate nutrition. I believe these conditions are
preventable. Medical nutrition therapy for people with PD should be
reimbursed, and probably would be if enough of us demanded it.
Best regards,

ken aidekman wrote:

> brainstorm of the day:
> will one or more of the PD websites begin publishing a speaker's list
> (local & regional).  This would help answer the question:  "I need someone
> to make a presentation at our next support group meeting but I haven't got
> the time to do the research. Know anyone?"
> love the Calendar Janet. very worthwhile
> >>The doctor has made and appointment for us to visit a patient next week
> >>who is trying to make a $ 500,000. donation to
> PD.<<
> Sounds like another walletotomy to me, dale.
> -Ken Aidekman
> Visit the Parkinson's Unity Walk website:
> Fund the Research.  Find the Cure.

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Nutrition you can live with!"
Medical nutrition therapy
Tel: 970-493-6532 // Fax: 970-493-6538