

On Sat, 23 May 1998, Janet313 <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>New drug could improve muscle control in Parkinson's patients
>(May 22, 1998 10:26 a.m. EDT - The generic drug
>amantadine can improve the jerky, involuntary muscle movements that occur
>after long use of the leading medication for Parkinson's disease, researchers


I feel like running thru the streets yelling EUREKA!!! but I'd probably get

Amantadine and Elderpryl were the two drugs prescribed 6½ yrs ago. After taking
it for about 4 yrs, I dropped the Elderpryl because it did'nt seem to make any
difference whether I took it or not.  Not so Amantadine.  If I went off it for a
self-imposed or ND recomendation, test I could always notice a difference.  The
tremor in my right (PD) arm would become more obvious and, after a day or so,
tremor be apparent in my legs.
I started on Sinemet 25/100 about  1½ years ago. Since then, my old Neuro and
the new one I switched to in Mar, both wanted me to wean myself off of
Amantadine. My latest attempt was in April. In a two week period, went from
200mg to 0.  Though I was still taking 25/100 Sinemet, 3xd. 1-50/200 CR Sinemet,
3-1gm Requip and 3 -1gr Benztropine, I was a basket case.  Severe tremor not
only in my right arm but in both legs and, under stress, my chest.
Called Neuro, he was on vacation.  Nurse said it would be two weeks before he
returned.  Call back in two weeks.  YYeeaahh!!!  I went back on 100 mg
Amantadine .  Within two days, back to, (for me) normal.  The one thing I do
notice and attribute to the Amantadine is edema in both ankles and lower legs.
I'll live with that until I have a long converation with my, Neuro Jun 17, my
next visit.
Sorry to bore you all with this but was excited that they have 'discovered' a
new, drug, Amantadine.

Joe Young (66/6)