


Gee.... how much more explicit can I get in describing myself, huh?  Sorta a
Zena-Shirley Temple-Stephanie Powers-girl-enxt-door-look-alike! <grinning>

Seriously, with all due respect for the fine work Jerry's been doing (is he
amazing, or what!) on setting up the PWP Webring, after my being in the online
industry for almost 7 years - tho NOT in a techie-position (so  I cannot
answer  anyone's technical questions) I just can't let someone ELSE create MY
Web site without ME participating in the creation of same.   Despite having a
strong background in design (tho in landscape design and super-graphics
design),  I'm not emotionally  prepared  to spend the time right now in
working - even with someone as talented as Jerry - on creating a Web site.

Truthfully, after my former employer, Microsoft, and I parted company I was
TOTALLY burned out... in the extreme.  Other then posting here on the List,
I've backed away from doing ANY online projects (and I've had more invitations
to host my own Web site as part of other medical-related sites than ya can
shake a stick at 'cause of my experience in  the field).  I went from 15 hours
a day, 7 days a week working online to less than 2 hours a day for List-mail
reading/response and that's IT!

I've been getting a lot of pressure  from assorted enthusiastic List members
encouraging me to add a Site to  the PWP Webring along with a photo of myself,
and while I've mulled over in my mind how I'd design such a site,  the bottom
line tho is I just don't wanna become involved in the production of a Web
site....ANY Web site... yet.

As for the photo, heck, I'm not at all shy and am not trying to be mysterious
by not posting a photo.  Plenty of List members have met me in person when
they  travel thru the L.A. area.  I take great delight in that, by the way -
Jane Ross and hubby "ME" and Murray and Brenda Charters being the latest.
Heck, there's even been a few List members who've bedded down for a coupla
nites on my family room sofa! (much to the concentration of my 2 kitties)

Sooooo... please try to  understand where I'm coming from in not participating
in the Webring right now.  And also in not wanting to post a 5 year old photo
of myself  that I won at one of those "glamour photo" studios - it ain't the
"real me" at ALL!   YIKES!!  I'm draped in a feather boa, for goodness sake!!!

I'll do the Web site WITH some photos.... eventually, 'kay?

Oh... and any List member passing tho L.A. in the future, DO let's get
together 'cause I'd love to meet ya all!

Barb Mallut (pressed for time 'cause of PD support group meeting soon)
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Leo Fuhr
Sent:   Saturday, May 23, 1998 6:30 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Girls just want to have fun!

Barb Mallut said on 5/24/98:

> ZENA?  Hey... I'm just like Shirley Temple was as
> a girl! (singing "It's the goooooood ship Lolleeeeeeepop,
> it's a sweeeeeeeeett trip to the caaaaandy shop...Yada
> yada yada" <giggle> (primping long curly blonde
> tresses) <not>
> Barb Mallut
> [log in to unmask]
Clear up the confusion, Barb.  Just scan a photo of yourself, a recent one
or that glamour shot you had done awhile back, and send it to the list.  No
scanner?  Let Jerry set up a page for you on the webring.

Jeanette Fuhr
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