

[log in to unmask] wrote:

 Just a quick query, as to whether any of you experience
>involuntary participation whilst watching sporting events on the TV? . For
>some time now whilst watching football matches on the television, I find
>myself involuntarily kicking an imaginary ball in response to action on the
>field, and also flinching and ducking in sympathy with the action on
>pitch.Does anyone know if this condition has a name?

yes, there are seemingly more responses to the action on the screen than
used to be the case for me.  In addition, there are more occassions of
emotional involvement and responses of joy or sadness than used to be the

hypersensitivity might be naming the phenomenon. it might relate to the
semi-sleepy state that sometimes we become half-asleep - with the brain
systems not keeping us fully aware that we are watching a magic box - not
actually involved in the game or the event that provokes our emotions

it may be that our mood can be affected by what we choose to watch. I
suspect that I feel and perform better if I do not see much of the 'bad
news' that fills most of the television news programs - so, I do not watch
or listen much.

Ronald Vetter  1936, dz PD 1984, carbidopa/levodopa, Mirapex, selegiline
[log in to unmask]     Ridgecrest, California