

Ohhhhhhhh.... what a trip down memory lane, courtesy of my buddy Ken Becker!

You betcha I had a cowgirl outfit!   In fact I not only had one when I was a
little kid, but since my "ex" and I had three horses for many years which we
boarded right on our street here in L.A. (we were the very last home on a
conventional city street and we rode right into the mountains once we saddled
up).   I wore a straw "planter's hat," 'cause that had the widest brim, jeans,
chaps ( when there was a lot of underbrush)<(plain utilitarian ones>, leather
gloves, and my boots had been resoled more times than I can count.  Wasn't
fancy, but it did the trick

Uhhhh.... no six-shooter tho! <grin>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Ken Becker
Sent:   Sunday, May 24, 1998 5:16 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: boys have fun to

UHOH, right after I insulted Gabby Hayes, I find out Don and Gabby are old
Now I have done it!  Only problem, when Gabby Hayes was on TV, he was already
about 100 years old! he was so old, that when we got color TV, he was still in
black and white!  Anyway, if you see a guy like Gabby hanging around the
neighborhood, you'd call the cops and tell them a bum got loose from the
shelter!  And, yes, I had cowboy hats, boots six-shooters (cap guns) and a
broom handle with  a horse head, but I haven't played with that stuff in at
least five years! ROFL.... I wonder if Barb M and Marling had cowgirl outfits?
Hmmmm??? Please send pictures! (Don, Barb, Marling, and any others!) Ken B