


>This is my answer...   MIRACLES

I too believe in miracles; I have been privlidged to experience each of the
wonders described in your lovely poem (albeit vicariously in the case of
breastfeeding my children). But external miracles do not occur because we
want them to - we experience them, we do not make them happen. We can ask
for a miracle but we cannot demand it.  If miracles occured just because we
wanted them to they would not be miracles but some quantifyable force of
nature.  So I will hope for a miracle, and pray for a miracle, but I will
not stop living while awaiting it.

There is a modern parable which I suspect is known to most of us but it
bears repeating.....

A river overflowed and a man found himself trapped on the roof of his house
by the rising floodwaters.
Being a man of great faith he prayed that God reach out and pluck him to
safety. Even as he was saying this prayer another man came in sight rowing a
dingy. The rower approached and offered to rescue the man from his rooftop.
He however refused the chance to leave, explaining to the rower that he had
asked God to rescue him and he expected to be plucked to safety at any
moment by the hand of God.

Some while later, still stranded on a now much smaller island of tiles, the
man refused to climb aboard a motor boat which had stopped to rescue him.
Once more he explained that he was waiting for God to pluck him to safety.
Even when he stood on the highest point of the roof with the water lapping
at his feet, he refused to be rescued by the helicopter which had arrived
just in the nick of time. The strength of his faith only waivered as the
waters closed above him, and he arrived in heavon a bit annoyed that his
faith had not been rewarded with a miracules rescue.  Meeting God he
immediately raised the issue, demanding to know why his faith had been
ignored.  God looked at him and shook his head in pity.  "I sent you a
dinghy, a motor boat, and a helicopter," he said. "What more did you want?"


Dennis Greene 48/11
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>I believe in miracles it's been proved to me
>there's nothing impossible, our problem is
>we cannot see wonders that occur each day
>and most of them are free.
>I belileve in miracles, I've felt my baby's trust
>when tiny fingers wound round mine
>and puckered mouth to
>swelling brest was thrust
>I believe in miracles, I've seen the sun
>arise bedimmed in foggy opaque haze
>through which it burns to sink
>in brightest glaze
>I believe in miracles, in blackest soil
>I've planted a wizened dried up ugly seed,
>watered, it becomes transformed,
>a blossom beautiful indeed.
>I believe in miracles, when I am most alone
>a strength not mine I  own because
>He loves and cares for me
>that's why I miracles can see.