

  This is the conclusion posting about my use of EMS( electro muscle
stimulation )/TENS machine .
  I had three objectives in trying this machine .
1) back and neck stiffness relief
2) Dyskinesia relief
3 ) General PD symptom relief
    I used both the muscle strengthening and the muscle toning
function on all the spinnal muscles of my back as well as the muscle
toning function on the neck muscles . This produced a 50% improvement
in stffness  within 2 weeks . I was hoping that prolonged intensive
treatement would would see contnuing improvement . This was not the
case . There was no further improvement and it is possible that a lot
of clicking in my back  was as a result of this intense treatement
.Moderating my use to two days  a week instead of every day is
coincident with a lessening of the clicking in my back .
  My PD symptoms are confined to the left side of my body . I often
can suppress  the end of dose dyskinesia  by stimulating my left foot
, provided the dyskinesia is not too severe . Varying the frequency
and intesity of the stimulation increases the suppression . At times
of strong dyskinesia nothing seems to make the leg stop its erratic
movement .
 One of my chief aims with this machine was to see if I could
parallel , some of the PD symptom improvements achieved with deep brain
stimulation, with muscle stimulation  . The EMS/TENS machine started
to go erratic after a few hours continuous use . I will have to make a purpose
built machine to test this possibility and intend to start this
project as soon as my testing of chemicals is over .
          Alastair     ( [log in to unmask] )