

> From:          JDroli <[log in to unmask]>

> Dear Listmembers,
> I think it may be time to cut the acchilles tendons of all the people who work
> for the FDA.
> While we are sitting here on our collective asses, they are OH SO CONCERNED
> about getting drugs on the market that will protect women against breast
> cancer, (which, granted, is a noble cause), but also an anti-impotency drug,
> anti-baldness drugs, and anti-obesity drugs that end up being recalled due to
> side effects anyways.
> What are they thinking? That the only "Sick" people out here in the real world
> are fat, balding, impotent old men? That's probably what the entire
> administration is made up of: Fat, balding, impotent, old men.
> Meanwhile, the people on this list keep posting stories about "Revolutionary"
> new drugs that are "In developmental stages," and then, we never hear about
> them again.
> Case in point: GDNF. I read so many things about this treatment, and was
> beginning to get excited about it. Then, it got caught in the red tape, and I
> haven't heard a damned thing for about a year now.
> You may point your finger at the Udall bill funding and say "More money =
> better research." My point is that research IS currently producing potential
> cures for us, i.e. stem cells, GPI-1046, ect...but where are they? I'll tell
> you where they, they are stuck in phase 1 or possibly phase 2 of  clinical
> trials, and "5 to 7 years" away from reaching the market.
> Safety first. In the meantime, most of your quality of life is slipping away
> away from you, and my youth is fading.
> There's obviously nothing we can do to get the FDA, the bane of my existence,
> those old, self-perpetuating SOB's, to hurry up and approve some of these
> novel neurological treatments, so I suppose we'll have to wait and wait and
> wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait
> and wait and wait and wait some more.
> Jacob (27, 9)
  HI Jacob
   This is a pretty good analysis of the problem . But what are the
solutions ? Most of the world is outsside the jurisdiction of the FDA
and still as you rightly say all these amazing new cures seem to fade
. I was pinning my hopes on " Sonic Hedgehog " . This new and
exciting technology has just faded from view in the last 9 months!!
          Alastair     ( [log in to unmask] )