

Yeah, I'm ready for something else to do to fight for my health back.  As
poorly as I am do physically right now, I would jeopardize my job and be
part of something bigger. But we have to face it - civil disobedience ("or
WHATEVER it takes,"  ???) is NOT going to happen.  The demographics of PWP
are much different that those with HIV, who are much younger, less patient,
less conservative - and thus more likely engage in civil disobedience.  They
also had the attention of the media because the disease was sexual in
nature, it came out of the blue, is fatal, and afflicted many of their
fellow media types.  There #'s are also MUCH GREATER because they have the
strong backing of all the homosexuals (+ hemophiliacs & other groups) in the
country (world!), not just those afflicted.  We only have us, the afflicted,
and our families.

Beside being a colossal waste of time and energy, acts of civil disobedience
would be counterproductive.  There is less tolerance for breaking the law
for any reason since the AIDS protests.  We would be a pretty pathetic bunch
out there "blockading the Federal Building." They would probably just have
the oldest janitors in the place out to clear us away. Suggesting these
kinds of actions are going to do us any good are..........., well, let's
just move on!!
Bruce Anderson (52, 3.5)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ivan M Suzman <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, May 25, 1998 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: Udall funding roadblock/PROTEST ACTIONS

>^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
>Ivan Suzman      48/11                 [log in to unmask]
>Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses      48   deg. Fsunny
>On Sat, 23 May 1998 17:09:02 -0400 John Lees <[log in to unmask]>
>>        I will help where I can but in Utah there is some confusing
>>about Udal. Senator Hatch's office when I visited told me the National
>>Health Institute was not giving it's support to Udal and with out it
>>we are
>>        Senator Benets office told me when I went there that Udal has
>>been voted on and made into law.
>>What gives?
>>West Jordan, Ut
>Udall Bill passed both houses of Congress in late 1997 after 4 years of
>struggle against politicians.
>NO money has been spent on the Udall research called for-which could be $
>100,000,000.00 if
>fully funded, for three years, total, $300,000,000.00..........just
>rotting away or being spent on martinis and $693 military toilet seats.
>At this point I am ready to wear black leather and flowers in my hair and
>blockade the Federal Building,
>get arrested in non-violent civil disobedience, or WHATEVER it takes.
>I am a gay man. We protested with our lesbian sisters and our families
>and friends, for breast cancer and AIDS research, and, we're getting
> But,l believe that Parkinson's activists like you and me have to GEAR UP
>for the BATTLE.
>I fully support and agree with the petitions, the phone calls and the
>pressure. But it's NOT enough.
>Senator Hatch is a tough nut to crack.
>I am very sick with Parkinson's and I absolutely HATE it.
>KEEP AT IT--I am one of those who is trying to rest and recuperate, and
>ready myself for ACTION.
>I  hope others on the LIst will step forward and say, ME TOO!
>Enough is enough.   Are we Parkinsons people supposed to sit quietly and
>rot away?????
>Ivan Suzman