

Hello Hans as you kindly informed the list re Barb and I....

>...but as you can hear...our public is calling...
>...they want to see us...
> I feel we can not disappoint our fans...
>...folks, HERE WE ARE!!!!!.....................

>    -=[ 'Gail' B. Boop ]=-     and       -=[ 'Barb' B. Boop ]=-
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"Thanks Gail for sharing this picture...............
I now finally understand what you mean with "cyber-sis"!!!!!!! Hans."

Don't think this got by me a few posts ago. You wrote: Barbara M.: I
never have a "bad hair day"! You can guess why!! 8<{) Hans

So Hans I hope you won't mind me sharing the photo you sent me of
you either! You know..."your fans and all that"...

-=[ Dutch guy ]=-

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"Just having fun" Hans.

'Your' cyber sis too,
Gail Vass