

After thinking over the post that I just submitted, I realize I should
have added a little more:   Recently there was an article in Popular
Science (I believe) about new developments in patches.  There have been
some discoveries that will allow all sorts of new patches, which will be
coming to market over the next few years.  For the most part, these will
NOT be new drugs, but instead, an improved delivery system.  You will be
able to wear a patch instead of swallowing pills.  I imagine that the
major benefits would be to persons having difficulty swallowing, and
those experiencing nausea.  Probably an even more important benefit would
be a more constant delivery of medication, with the obvious benefit that
would bring.

I'm not a doctor, nor an expert in this field--just reporting what I've
read, along with some obvious observations.

Wayne, [log in to unmask]