

Hey, Don! Try to stay vertical,OK? Vivian needs you to mow the grass!LOL
You don't need to make any excuses--you put a lot of us to shame with the
way you "keep on keeping on"!
Here's a picture I got from Gail, just for fun---

            /   \
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           |     |
           |     |
           |     |
    _______;     ;_______
   `======='\   /`=======`
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       _     | |     _
     _( \____|=|____/ )_
    (   .---.   .---.   )
     `-'   /     \   '-'
          /  HUG  \
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          |  .---.|__,
          : /     :--'
       .--\ \     |
    `" `"".-'    < =""`
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       `"""===="""` =""`

---an extra special one, from
      Camilla !